Vegetable Pasta Bake

0:05 Prep | 0:25 Cook | 4 Servings | Easy

  •     375g Barilla Penne Rigate
  •     2 cups frozen carrot, cauliflower and broccoli (see note)
  •     1/3 cup frozen corn kernels (see note)
  •     2/3 cup panko breadcrumbs
  •     1 1/4 cups grated tasty cheese
  •     420g can condensed tomato soup
  •     2 tablespoons tomato paste
  •     1 teaspoon garlic powder
  •     1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
  •     1 small red capsicum, chopped
  •     Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, to serve
  •     Salad leaves, to serve

  • Preheat oven to 200C/180C fan-forced.
  • Cook the pasta following the packet directions, adding the frozen carrot, cauliflower and broccoli mix, and corn in the last 2 minutes of cooking.
  • Meanwhile, combine breadcrumbs and cheese in a bowl.
  • Drain pasta and vegetables. Return to pan. Add tomato soup, tomato paste, garlic powder, mixed herbs and capsicum. Season well with salt and pepper. Toss to combine.
  • Transfer mixture to an 8-cup-capacity baking dish. Sprinkle with breadcrumb mixture. Bake for 15 minutes or until top is golden and bake is heated through. Stand for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with salad leaves.

What Are the Health Benefits of Pasta?

Because of its reasonableness and flexibility in the kitchen, pasta makes up a staple in the normal American eating routine. Indeed, the normal American expends 20 pounds of it every year, as indicated by North Dakota State University. Pasta furnishes you with vitality, and basic supplements as fiber, vitamins and minerals. Combine your pasta with energizing fixings to get ready supplement stuffed dinners.

Sugars and Fiber
Pasta gives gainful starches. A measure of white spaghetti contains 43 grams of aggregate sugars, while a proportionate serving of entire wheat spaghetti offers 37 grams of aggregate carbs. Carbs fill in as an essential wellspring of fuel for your body. Entire wheat pasta likewise gives a lot of dietary fiber, an especially advantageous sort of sugar. Fiber helps battle interminable ailments - including weight and sort 2 diabetes - and advances stomach related wellbeing. A 1-container serving of entire wheat pasta contains 6.3 grams of dietary fiber, giving 17 percent of the prescribed day by day allow for men and 24 percent for ladies, set by the Institute of Medicine. White pasta is bring down in fiber, at 2.5 grams for every serving.

Selenium and Manganese
Both white and entire wheat pastas fill in as brilliant wellsprings of selenium, a mineral that actuates cancer prevention agent compounds entrusted with shielding your phones from sub-atomic harm. A 1-glass serving of either sort of pasta gives about 66% of your suggested day by day allow, dictated by the Institute of Medicine. Pasta likewise contains manganese, a mineral that causes you use starches and manage your glucose. A serving of entire wheat pasta gloats 1.9 milligrams of manganese - more than 100 percent of the day by day allow for ladies and 83 percent for men - while an equal serving of white pasta offers 0.5 milligram.

Folate and Carotenoids
Eat white pasta as a wellspring of folate - or vitamin B-9 - or decide on entire wheat pasta as a wellspring of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. Folate assumes a part in red platelet improvement and backings quick cell development, while lutein and zeaxanthin bolster sound vision. An eating regimen rich in carotenoids, including lutein and zeaxanthin, additionally diminishes the danger of lung malignancy, clarifies the Linus Pauling Institute. A serving of white pasta gives 167 micro grams of vitamin B-9, or 42 percent of the day by day prescribed folate admission set up by the Institute of Medicine. A serving of entire wheat pasta contains 113 micro grams of lute in and zeaxanthin.

Make It Healthy
Utilize pasta as a base for fortifying dishes rich in veggies, lean proteins and sound fats. Light coat entire wheat spaghetti with olive oil, at that point blend in withered greens and cleaved hazelnuts for a debauched however refreshing and simple to-get ready supper. Top pasta with cooked veggies - including fennel, red peppers, onions and garlic - and after that it with tomato sauce and basil. On the other hand, consolidate pasta into chilly plates of mixed greens. Entire wheat rotting combines well with hacked Taklamakan olives, broiled red peppers and a lemon juice vinaigrette, while neckties, steamed shrimp, red ringer pepper and red pepper piece injected olive oil blend for a red hot plate of mixed greens alternative.


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